One of the real pleasures of what I do is working with coaches. I
really enjoy meeting people working at the coal face of sports trying to do the
best they can to help the athletes they work with to maximise their potential. In many of the sessions I run there is often a discussion exploring the 'Nurture – Nature debate' where arguments rage about the relative merits of genetic attributes
inherited from birth versus the socialising environmental factors which develop
human abilities. (check out the excellent 'Creativity Post' for a really interesting insight into the views being put forward)
The conversation often ends up with the room split into 3 camps:
· The
‘Nurturers’: who think that talent is largely the product of the developmental
· The
‘Naturists’: (not the getting naked type!) that want to suggest that talent is
innate and the product of inherited genetic attributes.
· The
‘Middle Majority’ that argue that talent is a combination of both.
There can often be quite strong views put
forward by the opposing ends of the discussion and I often find myself acting
as a referee between the two camps. As I see it the nurture vs nature debate is
often so divisive and engenders so much passion because it can act as
a metaphor for how we as humans see our world. For nurturers, the nature
argument is abhorrent as it sends out a message that if you are ‘blessed’ or
‘gifted’ with certain qualities and attributes then you have a material
advantage over others and no amount of striving is going to overcome that. Those
in the nature camp contend that it is equally wrong to give people the false
hope that if they spend enough time trying to achieve something then they will
achieve their dreams or goals when the reality is that their genetic disadvantages
are such that this is unlikely.
Put another way, nurturers believe that
anybody can be Albert Einstein if they work hard enough, the nature camp
believe that no amount of work can overcome the innate qualities that made
Einstein who he was.
I have to say that the coach and social scientist in me coupled
with the fact that I have a personal leaning towards a more meritocratic,
egalitarian model of society leans me towards the nurture argument. It resonates
with me as I believe that if we can create more opportunities for people to
deliberately practise by having quality coaching experiences made available to
more people more often then we will do a great deal to maximise more young people’s
athletic potential.
On the other hand the more I work with different sports the more I
can see that genetic differences are important especially in sports where the
physiological requirements are much more prevalent as attributes such as
height, weight, strength, power and speed are more advantageous to performance.
So how should we look at this problem? If we are looking for talent
should we be focussed on physiological factors driven by our genes or should we
focus on environmental factors which drive talent development?
I think that this polarisation of the argument is unhelpful and
misses the point. You don't necessarily become
a world champion just by putting in
thousands of hours of practice however we also know that you would never become a world champion without putting in thousands of hours of
I recently met with Professor Patrick
Bateson who is a leading expert on Ethology (the biological study of behaviour) at Cambridge University and the author of‘Design for
a life – How behaviour develops’ to discuss this very issue. He explained
to me that the Nurture v Nature debate is completely nonsensical to him as it
is clear that there is a need to understand the development of human athletic
potential from the position of both sides. Having said that neither does he subscribe
to the position of the ‘middle majority’. Professor Bateson suggests David Schenk in ‘The Genius in All of us’ gets closest explaining this argument by saying that it isn’t Genetics versus
Environment or Genetics plus Environment
but rather Genetics multiplied by
Essentially Prof Bateson wants us to embrace a more
sophisticated understanding of the issue and points to some of the latest
findings in the field of Epigenetics (more
on this in future posts) which is beginning to suggest that a person’s Genotype
(how their body is made up genetically) is not necessarily fixed and that
adaptations can occur based on a variety of environmental influences.
“Up to the late 90s and even early 2000s, we thought that DNA was our destiny - which is not true.Our genes are just lengths of DNA; they don't do anything by themselves - they need something to turn the gene on and turn the gene off. This is where epigenetics comes in. Epigenetics literally means 'above' genetics and it refers to the tags that sit on top of our DNA. They are marks that stick to the beginning of a gene and tell the gene to be active or to be inactive. It's like having a dimmer switch. A light bulb in a socket doesn't do anything by itself; it needs power, an on/off switch and a dimmer switch to turn it up or down”.
How I interpret this is to say that, while genes are vital in creating the building blocks which lead to establishing ourselves as humans they are not our fate. Who we are and who we ultimately become depends on a subtle and delicate interplay between our DNA and the environment.
To illustrate this point, Richard C. Francis highlighted a number of studies in his book Epigenetics - The Ultimate Mystery of Inheritance that have suggested that the way an organism responds to extreme
trauma could largely be determined by their genetic construction. In essence, those having a certain genetic make up would be very resilient to trauma where
as others who did not have the same composition could struggle and could end up suffering from stress, anxiety, depression, mental illness well into their adult lives.
The same studies then went on to examine
the effects of parenting over a period of time and they came to 2 startling conclusions.
1. The genetic make up was largely determined by the level of attachment and intimacy provided by the mother at an early age.
2. The offspring with the genetic make-up that
should have left them prone to suffer badly from trauma recovered to become
even more resilient than those with the genetic advantage as long as they were given
the right kind of nurturing from their parents, siblings or others.
So what does all this mean for sport and coaching?
Many athletes can possess the most
fantastic physical (genetic) attributes which translate into amazing athletic
abilities. We all know people like this, they can turn their hands to anything and are
good at everything yet they somehow fail to achieve their potential. In my view
this is more often than not because they have never really been taught how to
fail, it all came so easy to them that when the going does get tough they either
can’t handle it or they get demotivated and drop out.
Essentially we think that what they have
naturally will be enough to see them through. Even the most gifted still need
to be nurtured.
In summary, let’s move beyond the Nurture –
Nature debate and let’s understand that while physiology is important it is
also dramatically affected by environment.
For me as a coach I find this to be a
really powerful motivating force. I love the notion that we can create
situations and conditions through our coaching that can influence a child’s
life in ways that can go beyond the sports field and can help them in other
aspects of their life. I am of the belief that being a coach of talented
youngsters is a great privilege and I have often maintained that a big part of
my role is to help them to develop a ‘bubble of resilience’ which helps them to
navigate the challenges and pressures that constantly bombard them and threaten
to derail their development.
It just occurred to me that a great film to illustrate my point is 'The Blind Side' starring Sandra Bullock. I can also highly recommend the book of the same title by one of my favourite authors, Michael Lewis.
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